We get it, learning and doing research takes a lot of time and effort. But nowadays visual design is a MUST-have skill for any industry. Today we will break down the most basic principles and give you examples so you can start mastering your visual designs all by yourself.
Ps: We can take on all the work if you want to! But regardless our goal is for everyone to learn.
1. Good contrast makes good design

The first visual principle to have on your radar is CONTRAST. As you can see in the image above you can have contrast in size, color, or even a disruptive element. The idea behind it is to make a certain object, or title more eye-catching than the rest because it stands out.
2. Align elements intentionally in your layouts

One of the most important principles because you don’t want to place your elements randomly in your designs. Think very carefully how to align all the elements you wish to have on one page.
3. Proximity
You might not have heard of this one but it is very important. It has to do with how close or far apart you place your elements throughout your layout. Spacing and where you place each element says a lot about their relationship.

Closest together = Closely related
Further apart = Less closely related
4. Give your design room to breathe

Probably one of the most overlooked elements when it comes to design. You don't want things cramped together, you don't want your button borders, like margins, right up against the text inside of it. Giving space to br
eathe to each element makes the design look a little bit more sophisticated and it is easier for the eye of the viewer to consume.
5. Balance

You want your design to be well-balanced, so think of it as a scale and make sure you are not cramping everything on one side or another.
6. Keep your design consistent unless you have a good reason for breaking it

The easiest principle to miss for visual balance. Essentially, you want to repeat your design elements so people find familiarity. This way they are not learning new ways of navigating if you are designing a website for example.
The buttons are where people mess up the most when it comes to website design.